Academic Regulations, specified by Visvesvaraya Technological university. These regulations will apply to all B.E. students, unless there is notification from the university of any changes:
Academic Bank of Credits (ABC): The ABC, is a National-level facility that will promote the flexibility of the curriculum framework and inter disciplinary/multi disciplinary academic mobility of students across the Higher Educational Institutions in the country with an appropriate "credit transfer" mechanism.
Academic Year: Two consecutive semesters will be conducted (odd followed by an even), including intervening periods constitute one Academic Year.
Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS): The CBCS provides students with choices from the prescribed set of courses viz. Engineering Sciences, Professional core, and electives, Professional and Open Electives, Non-Credit Mandatory Courses, Internships and Skill Courses. Under the CBCS, the requirement for awarding a degree or certificate is prescribed in terms of number of credits to be earned by the students. Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) Education model refers to customizing the Coursework, Core, Professional Elective, Open Electives, Skill-based ability Enhancement Courses, Non-Credit Mandatory Courses, and Internships to provide the necessary support for the students to achieve their goals.
First Attempt: A student who has studied in a semester and attended anyone of the University examinations of that semester after satisfying attendance and CIE requirements of all the prescribed courses of that semester and has registered for SEE. Such an attempt shall be considered the first attempt. Even if the student is absent for all the semester exams after registering for SEE, such an attempt shall also be considered the first attempt.
Letter Grade: Course Letter Grade (or simply letter gradeor grade)is an index of performance of a student in a said course and refers to a qualitative measure of achievement of a student in each course, based on the percentage range of marks secured in CIE and SEE put together or CIE alone in courses that do not have SEE. Grades are denoted by letters 0, A+, A, B+, B, C, P and F. The rubrics attached to letter grades are as follows:
Letter Grade | Explanation | Grade point - GP |
O | Outstanding | 10 |
A+ | Excellent | 9 |
A | Very Good | 8 |
B+ | Good | 7 |
B | Above Average | 6 |
C | Average | 5 |
P | Pass | 4 |
F | Fail | 0 |
DX* | Attendance below 75% | - |
AU* | Satisfactor in Audit Course | - |
AB* | Absent | - |
PP* | Passes in Non-credit course | - |
NP* | Not Passed in Non-credit Course | - |
W* | Dropped/Withdrawn | - |
*There is no numerical equivalent (GP) for these Grades
Passing Standards: Refers to passing a course only when Grade Point (GP) is greater than or equal to 04. .
Course: As per new terminology every 'subject'/ 'paper' is termed as course and is a component of a Programme (Bachelor of Engineering in this case) with defined learning objectives, course out comes and number of credits. The course credits vary depending on the required teaching-learning hours to accomplish the learning outcomes, specified in the course syllabus.
Credit: A unit or weightage by which the Coursework is measured. It represents the number of hours of instructions prescribed per week. One credit is equivalent to one hour of lecture or two hours of laboratory/practical Courses/ tutorials/ fieldwork etc., per week is one credit.
Credit Representation: Refers to the Credit Values for different academic activities considered, as per Table 1. Credits for the project phases, project viva voce and internship shall be as specified in the Scheme of Teaching and Examinations.
Theory Lectures (L) | Tutorial(T) | Practical(P) | Credits Distribution | Total Credits in the semester |
Duration; Hours/Week | (L:T:P) | |||
4 | 0 | 0 | 4:0:0 | 4 |
3 | 0 | 2 | 3:0:1 | 4 |
2 | 2 | 2 | 2:1:1 | 4 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 3:0:0 | 3 |
2 | 2 | 0 | 2:1:0 | 3 |
0 | 0 | 6 | 0:0:3 | 3 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1:0:0 | 1 |
0 | 0 | 2 | 0:0:1 | 1 |
Types of Courses: In BE, the following types of the courses are required to be audited:
Humanities and Social Sciences (HS), including Management, Skill enhancement and Economics.
Basic Sciences (BS) including Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry, Engineering Sciences (ES) including Workshop, Drawing, Basics of Electrical/ Civil/ Mechanical/ Computer Engineering, Materials, and Instrumentation.
Engineering Sciences (ES) including Workshop, Drawing, Basics of Electrical/ Civil/ Mechanical/ Computer Engineering, Materials, and Instrumentation.
Professional Core Courses (PC): These are the courses to be compulsorily studied by a student as a core requirement to complete the requirements of a programme in a said discipline of study.
Internship: The internship is an extended period of work experience undertaken by the students aspiring to supplement their degree with professional development. The students are allowed to prepare themselves for the workplace and develop practical skills. The Internship shall be completed during the period specified in the Scheme of Teaching and Evaluation.
Professional Elective Courses (PE): These are the courses from which a student can choose and study as part of the requirement to complete the programme in a said discipline of study.
Skill development Courses (SD): These courses will be nurturing student proficiency skills. These courses are offered to achieve the programme outcomes not specifically covered by the other courses
Ability Enhancement Courses (AE): These are the generic skill courses which are basic and needed to all to ensure progression across all careers
Non-Credit Mandatory Courses (NM): These are courses on peripheral subjects in a programme, wherein familiarity is considered mandatory.
Project work (PW), Mini Project work (MP), and Internship (IS) are also considered as courses in the programme.
Audit Courses
A minor is a secondary field of study that undergraduate students can pursue in addition to their major. While the major is the primary focus of a student's academic program and is usually chosen based on career goals and interests, a minor provides an opportunity to explore another area of interest in a more limited fashion. To enhance employability skills and impart deep knowledge in emerging areas that are usually not covered in the Undergraduate Degree credit framework, AICTE has come up with the concept of a 'Minor Degree' in emerging areas. A student opting for a minor degree will have to earn 18 credits in addition to the credits essential for obtaining the Under Graduate Degree in Major Discipline (i.e. 160+18 credits for regular students and 120+18 credits for lateral entry students).
To enable students to pursue an allied academic interest in contemporary areas.
To expand the domain knowledge of the students in one of the other branches of engineering.
To provide an academic mechanism for fulfilling the multidisciplinary demands of industries.
To increase the employability of undergraduate students keeping in view better opportunities in interdisciplinary areas of engineering & technology.
To offer knowledge in the areas that are identified as emerging technologies/thrust areas of Engineering.
Provides an opportunity for students to become entrepreneurs and leaders by taking a business/management minor.
Provides an opportunity for Applicants to pursue higher studies in an interdisciplinary field of study.
To increase the overall scope of the undergraduate degrees.
Registration for a Minor degree shall start from the fourth semester of the B.E. program
A student can opt for only one minor program along with the major (degree) program. No student shall be permitted to register for both honours as well as minors.
A student may choose to pursue a B.E. degree with a minor program if, at the time of registration, she/he has permissible backlogs up to the third semester under the regulations governing the B.E./. degree and provided that the student's cumulative grade point average (CGPA) after the third semester does not fall below 5.0.
The minimum CGPA required to maintain up to the 3rd semester at the time of registration and at the time of completion of the major (core) degree program is ≥ 5.0.
A Student shall complete all the required minor degree program courses and earn 18 credits before the completion (qualify) of the major degree program as per the Major degree regulations.
A student cannot earn the Minor after he/she has already earned a bachelor's degree by earning 160 credits (regular students)/120 credits (lateral entry students). Option to Acquire Minor Degree
SI.No | Minor Program track name | Eligible branch of students | Offering Department | Award of Degree |
1 | Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning | All branches, except in CSE (AI&ML) CSE (AI) | CSE | B.E. in branch-name with Minor in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning |
2 | Cyber Security | All branches, except in CSE (Cyber Security) | CSE | B.E. in branch-name with Minor in Cyber Security |
3 | Data Science | All branches, except in CSE (Data Science) | CSE | B.E. in branch-name with Minor in Data Science |
4 | IOT | All branches, except in CSE (IOT) | ECE | B.E. in branch-name with Minor in IOT |
5 | Innovation and Entrepreneurship | All Branches | Management Science/MBA | B.E. in branch-name with Minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
The Bachelor of Engineering degree with Honours can be earned with experiences, both inside and outside the classroom. Honours, will enhance, opportunities after graduation as professional engineers. In the competitive world every engineer needs to be a team player, effective manager, critical thinker, a problem solver, good communicator, active and lifelong learner. To encourage an engineering student to become self-motivated, self-learners, effective managers, critical thinkers, AICTE has introduced a scheme wherein each student has to earn 10 or more additional credits through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
To embody the intentions of AICTE, VTU has instituted the award of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours. The courses specified by the counsellors in MOOC are related to their program core and see that the student specialises and goes deep into specific specialisation as an extension of their program of study. For example, a Mechanical student can be asked to audit MOOC courses of Robotics, Automation and Industry 4.0 manufacturing techniques etc. to get Mechanical Honours
Registration to the Honours qualification shall start from the fifth semester onwards.
The Registrants shall have obtained a letter grade ≥ B in the 2022 scheme in all the courses in the first attempt only, in the semesters until this stage.
The Registrants shall have obtained a CGPA ≥ 5.0 at the end of the fourth semester.
Lateral entry Diploma students shall have completed Additional Mathematics I and II during 3rd and 4th semesters on the first attempt only.
Each student registered for the Honours qualification shall have to take up the coursework as notified by the university from NPTEL and other platforms and complete each coursework successfully irrespective of the number of attempts, with a final score (Online assignments: 25% + Proctored exam: 75%) leading to NPTEL Elite (60 to 75%) / Elite + Silver (76 to 89%) / Elite-Gold (≥ 90%) certificate, within the minimum prescribed duration for the award of degree.
All the students who successfully complete the online courses as prescribed by the university and submit their certificates to the University through the Principal of their respective colleges against the notification issued by the Registrar (Evaluation) in time before the closure of the 8th semester as per the calendar shall be eligible for the 'Honours' qualification.
The 'Honours' qualification shall be suffixed to the respective degrees and shown in the Degree certificates as a recognition of higher achievement by the student concerned.
Students shall maintain a grade ≥ B (2022 scheme) in all the courses of fifth to eighth semesters on the first attempt only.
The Honours degree shall be awarded only if the CGPA at the end of the B.E. programme is equal to or greater than 7.50.
Additional credits earned through NPTEL shall not be considered for the CGPA of B.E.
Any student meeting the eligibility criteria specified above intending to register for the Honours qualification shall apply to the University through the Principal of his/her College in the prescribed form along with the prescribed application fees within 15 working days after notification by the University.
There shall be no limit on the intake of students for registration for Honours qualification. All the applicants fulfilling the eligibility shall be registered for the Honours qualification.
If registered, the students shall pay a one-time non-refundable registration fee as prescribed by the University to confirm the registration.
The University shall announce the BOS-approved list of MOOCs (chosen from NPTEL/SWAYAM/other platforms) corresponding to each engineering programme. The University shall have the freedom to review and approve additional online platforms from time to time.
Students shall select, in consultation with the concerned Faculty Advisor, the MOOCs such that the content/syllabus of them are not similar to that of the programmes first to eighth semesters core courses, professional electives or electives that the student chooses for later semesters of the programme. In case of violations, the students shall not be considered for the prescribed 18 or more credits and hence the award of Honours degree.
The students shall earn the credits by only appearing in person to the proctored examination conducted by NPTEL/SWAYAM/other platform. No autonomous or non-autonomous colleges under the University can conduct examination and award credits in lieu of NPTEL/SWAYAM/other platform to accrue 18 or more credits for the award of Honours degree.
The method of assessment shall be as per the NPTEL online platform.
Students shall be permitted to drop the registered coursework/s and select alternative coursework/s in case they cannot appear for proctored examination/s or other reasons.
The credit equivalence for online NPTEL courses shall be determined based on the following table.
Table: Assigned Credits | |
Online Course Duration | Assigned Credits |
04 Weeks | 01 |
08 Weeks | 02 |
12 Weeks | 03 |