"Building bright futures with a robust curriculum framework."

Curriculum Framework

The structure of UG programme in Engineering shall have essentially the following types of courses with the breakup of credits as shown against them:

Sl. No. Courses Credits % of Total Credits
1 Humanities and Social Sciences including Management, courses, including AE 16 10.00
2 Basic Sciences Courses 22 13.75
3 Engineering Science courses including workshop, drawing, basics of electrical/mechanical/computer/PL/etc. 24 15.00
4 Professional Core courses relevant to chosen specialization/branch 59 36.88
5 Professional Elective courses relevant to chosen specialization/branch 12 7.50
6 Open subjects - Electives from other technical and/or emerging subjects 12 7.50
7 Project work and internship in industry or elsewhere 15 9.37
8 Mandatory Courses (Environmental Sciences, Induction Program, Indian Constitution, Essence of Indian Knowledge Tradition) (non-credit)
Total 160 100.00

Total Credits Required

  • The total number of credits to be earned for the award of B.E./ B.Tech. degree by students admitted to the first semester of the four-year B.E./B.Tech. programme shall be 160.

  • The total number of credits to be earned for the award of B.E./ B.Tech. degree by students admitted under lateral entry scheme to the third semester of the four - year B.E./B.Tech. programme shall be 120.

  • A student shall be awarded B.E./ B.Tech. degree with Honours or Minor, if he/she earns a minimum of additional 18 credits, satisfying the conditions specified in "VTU (Award of B.E./B.Tech. Honors/ Minors Degree) Regulations, 2022.

Scheme of Teaching and Evaluation

The scheme of teaching and evaluation shall be framed by distributing the total credits over eight semesters as follows:

Year Semester Odd Semester Even Total
First 20 20 40
Second 20 20 40
Third 20 20 40
Fourth 20 20 40
Total 160